BUFORA London Lectures
Time 6.30pm - 9.30pm. University of Westminster, 35 Marylabone Road, London
NW1. Nearest tube Baker Street. Admission £1.50 members, £3.50
Further details on 01444-236738.
1st June
General Meeting
followed by
Question Time
a panel debate - protagonists TBA
Details of the new 1996/97 London lecture programme which starts on 7th
September, same time same place will be announced shortly - watch this space!
BUFORA Newcastle Lecture
Time 2pm -
5pm doors open 1.15pm. University of Northumbria at Newcastle, in the Nixon
Hall, Ellison Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne. 10 minute walk from Newcastle Central
Station and main bus station. Tickets £1.50 for members £3.00
non-members (£2.00 concessions for OAPs, disabled and students).
Booking in advance can be made via the lecture organiser Gloria Dixon on
telephone 0191 236 8375.
BUFORA Merseyside Conferences
1.00pm - 5.30pm. Haigh Conference Centre, Maryland Street, Liverpool. 10 minute
walk from principle train stations. Parking nearby. admission members £1.50
non-members £2.50 (concession £2.00)
Booking in advance can
be made via the lecture organiser Anthony Eccles on telephone 0151-486 6087.
18th May
UFOs in Merseyside
Anthony Eccles & Mark Glover
Possible Causes of UFO Waves
John Spencer
Title TBA
Jenny Randles
30th Nov (note date change)
the Abduction Phenomena
Philip Mantle
Title TBA
Gloria Dixon
Birmingham UFO Society Meeting - The UFO Cover-up
17th June 1996,
Speaker: Nick Redfern
Room 261, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham
Contact Rob & Marilyn Aldworth on 0121-681 6344
Journeys and Encounters
Human and Non-Human Contacts
Saturday 22nd June 1996,
Speakers include Iain Edgar, Hilary Evans, Michael Perry, Kevin
McClure and Philip Mantle
Nixon Hall, Ellison Place,
Tickets £8.00 (concessions £6.00)
Contact Helen Price,
Department of Religious Studies, the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 7RU
tel 0191 222 6525
Sally Palmer
Amsterdam UFO Conference '96
Sunday 7th July 1996
1.00 - 8.00 pm
Speakers include Graham Birdsall, Antony Dodd and Stanton Friedman
The Paradiso, Amsterdam Holland
Ticket prices to be confirmed
Contact Zilch Promotions via
The SUPERNORMAL Research Conference '96
20th - Sunday 21st July 1996,
Speakers include Nick Pope, George Wingfield, Ron Pearson and Colin
The Power House, LLenederyn, Cardiff
Tickets £10.00 per day, £15.00 full weekend
Contact Kerry
Blower, 10 Glaslyn Court, Croesycieliog, Cwmbran, Gwent, NP44 2JE, UK
The North West Regional Paranormal Conference
7th September 1996,
Speakers include Jenny Randles, Anthony Eccles, Alicia Leigh, Steven
Mera, David Tierney
A Merseyside venue TBA
Contact Steven Mera on 0161 905 3047 or via Email for further information.
The Contact International 1996 UFO Conference
29th September 1996,
11.00am - 5.00pm
Speakers include Roy
Dutton, Roy Lake, Lee Winterson plus other speakers to be announced
The Exeter Hall, Kidlington, Oxford
Tickets £5.00
Contact Contact International by sending an sae
to Conference 1996, Contact International, PO Box 23,
Wheatley, Oxford OX33
All Cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to Contact
Australian International UFO Symposium
11th,12th &
13th October 1996,
Speakers include Walter andrus Jr.(USA), Prof. John Mack (USA), Linda
Moulton-Howe (USA), Dr. Pat Bailey, John Carpenter,(USA) Bruce Cathie (New
Zealand), Whitley Strieber (USA), Col.Wendelle Stevens, Dr. Joe Lewels, Zacharia
Sitchen (USA), Stan Deyo (Aust), Keith Basterfield (Aust) and Colin Norris
If you are interested in coming to Australia for the Symposium which is from 11th,12th & 13th October, 1996. The Gold Coast World Travel are offering special deals for people coming from the UK and should you have any member that would like to come please let me know.
Glennys Mackay
The Eighth European Lyons Congress
9th - 10th
November 1996
Details of this closed-to-the-public event will follow.
TEMS Meetings
BFSB Meetings
Advertise your event here for . Contact Mike Wootten.
last updated: 10/5/96